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Determination of seepage control scheme for Koushang masonry dam

JIANG Sai   

  • Online:2012-10-28 Published:2012-10-28



  1. 河北工程大学水电学院,河北邯郸 056001

Abstract: Been in operation for years, some safety problems occurred within the Koushang masonry dam which called for rehabilitation. By safety inspection, the main problems were determined. Further, the rehabilitation scheme was planned accordingly, which was proved to be of good effect by practice.

摘要: 口上水库经多年运行,浆砌石坝出现了较多影响安全的问题,致使工程已不能正常运行和发挥效益,需要进行加固处理。通过对水库进行安全鉴定,确定了水库存在的主要工程问题。在大坝渗流、大坝稳定等计算分析的基础上,确定了浆砌石坝防渗方案,最终实现了水库功能的正常发挥。