dam ›› 2013, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 45-50.

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Effect of drainage hole grouting and slope filtration drainage protection of Yele dam

ZHENG Pei-xi, YUAN Shu-chao and LI Sheng-qing   

  • Received:2013-01-14 Online:2013-07-01 Published:2013-07-01



  1. 1.云南鲁布革顾问有限公司,云南 昆明 650051;2.国电四川发电有限公司南桠河水电分公司,四川 成都 610041
  • 作者简介:郑培溪(1984-),男,云南会泽县人,工学学士,工程师,云南鲁布革顾问有限公司总经理助理,主要从事水电站安全监测资料分析工作。

Abstract: Based on data of drainage, sediment content, seepage, underground water level and leakage on slope, combined with the forecast results by seepage BP network model, the paper analyzed the effect of drainage hole grouting and slope filtration drainage protection of Yele dam. The analysis showed that: (1)soon after treatment, abnormally increase and decrease of drainage and turbid were found with some drainage holes. Local groundwater level changed greatly, which became stable later; (2) total seepage flow was decreasing and tended to be stable, but the seepage flow had the trend to transfer to river bed; (3) the leakage from side slope decreased. The analysis result proved the effectiveness of treatment by drainage hole grouting and slope filtration drainage protection. At the same time, some suggestions were advanced on monitoring, computation and treatment in the future.

Key words: grouting, filtration drainage, effect, BP network model, Yele dam

摘要: 从排水孔排水量、含沙量、渗流量、地下水位以及边坡出水点等方面,结合渗流量BP网络模型分析预报结果,分析评价了冶勒大坝右岸排水廊道排水孔灌浆及8号沟左侧边坡反滤排水保护处理效果。结果表明:处理后初期,个别排水孔排水出现异常增减、浑浊,局部地下水位发生较大变化,之后逐渐稳定;总渗流量逐年减小并趋于平稳,但渗流有向河床部位移动趋势;边坡出水情况有所改善。排水孔灌浆和边坡反滤排水保护处理具有一定效果。同时,对今后的监测、计算和处理工作亦提出粗浅建议。

关键词: 灌浆, 反滤排水, 效果, BP网络模型, 冶勒大坝