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Design of data management module for monitoring information management system

CHEN Song   

  • Online:2007-06-28 Published:2007-06-28

DotNet 环境下DataGrid 控件编程技术在监测数据管理中的应用


  1. 河海大学土木工程学院, 江苏南京 210098

Abstract: Aimed at design of data management module for the monitoring information management system, the lasted programtechnique including Data binding and ActiveX was chosen to fulfill the task. Then, with a given sample, those problems may encountered while editing or filtering data, especially validity checking were discussed specially.

摘要: 以监测资料管理为对象, 对DotNet 环境下系统设计中的数据绑定、Data Grid 控件编程中的问题进行了探讨, 并结合某安全监控系统数据库管理核心模块的建立, 对数据的浏览、修改、筛选以及有效性检验等方面的设计规划进行了研究。