Dam & Safety ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 28-.

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Application of earthquake monitoring and early warning technology in safety monitoring of high and steep slopes of reservoirs#br#

JIANG Xiaotao, LEI Hongfu, ZHAO Jie, YANG Lei and DAI Shigui   

  1. PowerChina Guiyang Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2021-11-21 Online:2022-08-08 Published:2022-10-21



  1. 1. 中国电建集团贵阳勘测设计研究院有限公司,贵州  贵阳,550000;2. 中国三峡建工(集团)有限公司,四川  成都,610000;3. 国能大渡河流域水电开发有限公司,四川  成都,610000;4. 四川省地震局,四川  成都,610000
  • 作者简介:江晓涛(1986— ),男,重庆江津人,高级工程师,主要从事水库地震与大坝强震监测技术与管理工作。

Abstract: With the construction of reservoirs with high dams in the high-intensity earthquake area of western China, new challenges for the slope safety monitoring for hydropower stations have occurred. Based on the monitoring data obtained by the strong motion recorder installed on the high and steep slope in Baihetan reservoir area, this paper analyzes the evolution of seismic dynamic response and response spectrum of the high and steep slope in different sites. Further, the research on the dynamic monitoring of the deformation mass and early warning technology based on the slope noise data recorded by the seismometer as well as the key monitoring indicators of the safety risk are presented. The landslide process is analyzed by use of the vibration data of landslide recorded by the seismic network, which provides references for monitoring and early warning of landslide and mudslide.

Key words: earthquake, seismic stations and network, high and steep slope, monitoring, early warning

摘要: 随着我国西部高烈度区一大批高坝大库的新建,水电站库岸边坡安全监测面临新的挑战。基于白鹤滩库区高陡边坡上安装的强震记录仪实测强震动观测数据,分析了高陡边坡地震波动力响应和反应谱在不同场地的演化规律,介绍了基于地震仪记录的边坡噪声数据开展的拉裂体动态监测与预警技术研究,及其构建的库岸边坡安全风险关键监控指标,同时利用地震台网记录的滑坡震动数据,从新的角度揭示滑坡过程,可为滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害的监测、预警提供参考。

关键词: 地震, 水库台网, 高陡边坡, 监测, 预警

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