dam ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 44-.

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Research and application of de-icing methods for gates in cold region

GAO Zhi- yuan and DIAO Yan-bin   

  1. China National Electric Engineering Corporation
  • Received:2016-10-25 Revised:2016-11-21 Online:2016-12-08 Published:2016-12-08



  1. 1.中国电力工程有限公司,北京,100048;
    2.长春华普大通工业控制设备有限公司,吉林 长春,130061
  • 作者简介:高志远(1959- ),男,天津人,高级工程师,从事水利水电工程技术管理工作。

Abstract: By research on underwater speed characteristics of bubbles with different diameter, the bubble diameter which produces efficient water disturbance is obtained. With the disturbance of bubbles, flow field is formed which would stop the generation of ice core. Proved by engineering application, this is an advanced and effective anti-icing method.

Key words: bubble anti-icing, gate, jet anti-icing, cold areas

摘要: 通过对不同直径气泡在水中的运动速度特性研究,得出能够对水体产生高效扰动的气泡群,在气泡群的扰动下水体产生流场,使其不能生成冰核,通过工程应用验证,是一种先进、有效的防冰方法。

关键词: 气泡防冰, 闸门, 射流防冰, 寒冷地区