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Analysis and discussion on the mechanism of split grouting and its construction technology

WAN Fu-man   

  • Online:2009-12-28 Published:2009-12-28



  1. 江苏省苏水建设监理有限公司,江苏扬州 225009

Abstract: Split grouting is a technical measure for dam rehabilitation and seepage prevention.Its mechanism of seepage control was analyzed in this paper.Further, the technical points including the arrangement and drilling of grouting holes, the requirements for grouting slurry were discussed.At last, the prospect of its application was presented.

摘要: 劈裂灌浆是堤坝防渗加固的一种技术措施。文章分析了劈裂灌浆防渗技术的作用机理,并对灌浆施工中的浆孔布置、钻孔方法、浆液要求等技术要点进行了探讨,最后对劈裂灌浆防渗技术的发展应用提出了展望。