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Study on the mix proportion of roller compacted concrete at Gongguoqiao hydropower station

CHEN Wu   

  • Online:2009-12-28 Published:2009-12-28



  1. 浙江华东工程咨询有限公司,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: The aggregate used in the roller compacted concrete at Gongguoqiao hydropower station was the excavated material from underground caverns which relied on sandstone and slate.The application of sandstone and slate in roller compacted concrete dam as aggregate was rare, therefore, the mix proportion design combined with the characteristics of excavated material was of great meaning.This paper introduced the design method, experiment process and results, as well as the experience and issues needed further research.

摘要: 功果桥碾压混凝土采用的骨料为地下洞室开挖料,骨料岩性以砂岩和板岩为主。现有资料表明,国内工程中,砂岩和板岩用于碾压混凝土施工的实例较少,因此,如何根据开挖料的岩性特点设计满足要求的混凝土配合比将直接影响工程的成败。通过介绍碾压混凝土配合比设计思路、对试验过程和成果的分析,总结配合比试验研究的经验和需要深入研究的内容。