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Comparison of automatic safety monitoring system schemes at Pengshui hydropower station

XIAO Xue-yong and DU Ze-kuai   

  • Online:2009-12-28 Published:2009-12-28



  1. 重庆大唐国际彭水水电开发有限公司,重庆彭水 409600

Abstract: Automatic safety monitoring system is of great meaning to the dam safety operation.Combined with the construction of automatic safety monitoring system at Pengshui hydropower station, this paper introduced the comparison of schemes.At last, an advanced scheme was chosen.

摘要: 自动化监测系统对确保工程安全运行具有举足轻重的作用。结合彭水水电站安全监测自动化系统的建设经验,介绍了系统方案比选原则及比选过程,对选定方案的适合、先进性做了阐述。