Dam & Safety ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 1-.

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Research and application of underwater safety inspection technology for hydraulic structure of large hydropower station#br#

LAI Jitao, LI Qiande and LI Xiaowei   

  1. Yalong River Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2024-06-12 Online:2024-10-21 Published:2025-01-22



  1. 雅砻江流域水电开发有限公司,四川 成都,610051
  • 作者简介:来记桃(1980— ),男,湖北咸宁人,正高级工程师,主要从事水电站大坝运行安全技术管理及水下检测技术研究工作。


Based on summary of advantages and disadvantages of common safety inspection methods, technology and equipment of underwater safety inspection are studied and some solutions are proposed, such as miniaturized high-power ROV, multi-beam combined ROV and intelligent unmanned ships. These solutions have addressed challenges of underwater inspection in complex environment such as deep-buried large-diameter long diversion tunnel, high-head multi-bend penstock and high-flow open water area. Moreover, these technologies have been successfully applied to cascade hydropower stations in the Yalong river basin, which is worthy of reference for similar projects.

Key words: hydraulic structure, safety inspection, ROV, intelligent unmanned ship

摘要: 在总结常用安全检查方法优劣势基础上,重点研究了水工建筑物水下安全检查技术与装备,提出了小型化强动力水下机器人、多波束联合水下机器人、智能无人船等水下检查技术方案,解决了深埋大直径长引水隧洞、高水头多弯段压力管道、高流速开阔水域等复杂环境水下检查难题,并在雅砻江流域梯级电站成功应用。

关键词: 水工建筑物, 安全检查, 水下机器人, 智能无人船

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