Dam & Safety ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 34-36,40.

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Application of fair-faced concrete paint in water conservancy project

DONG Hefei, LAI Xiaohua, LIN Jiatang and Wang Sishi   

  1. Wenzhou Oujiang Water Diversion Development Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2020-08-19 Revised:2021-09-23 Online:2022-10-08 Published:2023-01-12


董合费1 ,赖小华2 ,林嘉瑭3 ,王思施3   

  1. 1.温州市瓯江引水发展有限公司,浙江 温州,325000;2.温州龙港市农业农村局,浙江 龙港, 325000;3.浙江华东建设工程有限公司,浙江 杭州,310030
  • 作者简介:董合费(1976—),男,浙江温州人,高级工程师,主要从事工程建设及运行管理工作。

Abstract: As an anti-corrosion material, fair-faced concrete paint is often used for corrosion protection of building facades. Benefited from its own acid and alkali resistance, weather ability and aging resistance, the transparent paint can form a protective layer on the surface of newly built concrete, thereby isolating the damage to concrete surface caused by harmful substances such as acid rain, and protecting the concrete. The anti-corrosion test and freeze-thaw cycle test are carried out on the aqueduct concrete specimen after coating of fair-faced concrete paint, and the test data are compared and analyzed. Combined with BA construction method, the paint can be applied to the protection of aqueduct facades in water conservancy projects, worth reference.

Key words: fair-faced concrete paint, hydraulic aqueduct, water conservancy project, construction technology

摘要: 仿清水混凝土漆作为一种防腐材料,常被用于建筑物外立面起防腐作用。混凝土表面通过涂刷该种无 色透明涂料会呈现出清水效果,且得益于其本身拥有的耐酸碱性、耐候性与抗老化性,施工后涂装材料能在新 建的混凝土表面形成保护层,进而隔绝酸雨等有害物质对混凝土面造成的破坏,起到保护混凝土的作用。本研 究主要对涂装仿清水混凝土漆后的渡槽混凝土试件进行防腐蚀试验和冻融循环试验,对试验数据进行了比较 分析。结合BA工法,将仿清水混凝土漆运用到水利工程渡槽外立面的保护施工中,以期为类似工程提供借鉴。

关键词: 仿清水混凝土漆, 水工渡槽, 水利工程, 施工工艺

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