Dam & Safety ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 63-.

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Application of shaped charge cutting blasting technology in an emergency rescue at a hydropower station#br#

WANG Qiang, ZHANG Yehui, GAO Feng and ZHAO Zhongxiao   

  1. Sichuan Company, CHN Energy
  • Received:2021-09-07 Online:2021-12-08 Published:2022-02-24


王  强1,张业辉1,高  峰2,赵忠晓2   

  1. 1. 国家能源集团四川发电有限公司,四川  成都,610041;2. 陕西北方友邦爆破科技有限公司,陕西  西安,710000

  • 作者简介:王 强(1979— ),男,北京人,工程师,主要从事电力安全生产管理工作。

Abstract: Compared with traditional demolition technology, shaped charge cutting blasting technology has the characteristics of concentrated energy, rapid action, strong directivity, strong penetration, safe and easy construction, low requirements for working environment, and et al. Also, precise demolition of a specific object can be realized by use of it. By application of shaped charge cutting blasting technology to a hydropower station, the flood discharge gate was successfully demolished and the emergency rescue was successfully finished. The principle of shaped charge cutting blasting, the case design and its application prospect are briefly introduced in this paper, providing reference for safe and rapid demolition of large-scale structures in emergency rescue at hydropower stations, earthquake relief and situations under special environment conditions.

Key words: shaped charge cutting blasting technology, demolition, emergency rescue

摘要: 相比传统拆除技术,聚能切割爆破技术具有能量集中、作用迅速、方向性强、穿透力大、安全易施工、对作业环境要求低等特点,可对特定拆除对象进行精准拆除。某电站应用聚能切割爆破技术成功爆破拆除了泄洪闸门,成功实现应急抢险。笔者简要介绍聚能切割爆破原理、方案设计和应用前景等,为类似水电工程应急抢险、抗震救灾、特殊环境条件下大型构筑物安全快速拆除提供经验。

关键词: 聚能切割爆破技术, 拆除, 应急抢险

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