Dam & Safety ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 59-.

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Safety inspection and evaluation of metal structure of Qianliulin spillway sluice

ZHENG Han, WANG Junpeng, ZHANG Yantan, CHAI Jiangfei, LI Naihao and WANG Xiaodong#br#   

  1. Beijing Jingmi Water Diversion Management Bureau
  • Received:2021-01-20 Online:2021-12-08 Published:2022-02-24


郑  瀚1,王俊鹏2,3,张延潭4,柴江飞1,李乃浩1,王晓东2,3   

  1. 1. 北京市京密引水管理处,北京,101400;2. 中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京,100038;3. 中国水利水电科学研究院水利部水工程建设与安全重点实验室,北京,100038;4. 中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司,陕西 西安,710065
  • 作者简介:郑 瀚(1994— ),男,北京人,助理工程师,主要从事水利工程管理工作。

Abstract: Qianliulin spillway sluice of Jingmi diversion channel was built in 1960 and has been in operation for more than 50 years. In 2008, the gate and other metal structures were replaced due to severe corrosion. The metal structure is prone to corrosion and deformation, therefore, it is necessary to carry out relevant safety inspection carefully and systematically. Based on investigation, this paper analyzes the defects of metal structures of Qianliulin spillway sluice which provides a scientific basis for operation management and reinforcement of the sluice.

Key words: Qianliulin spillway sluice, metal structure, safety inspection, safety evaluation

摘要: 京密引水渠前柳林泄洪闸始建于1960年,投入运行已有50余年,发挥了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。2008年因闸门金属结构腐蚀严重而对闸门和其他金属结构进行了更换。鉴于金属结构易锈蚀及易变形等特点,本研究在工程调查的基础上,对新旧闸体金属结构存在的病害问题统一进行了梳理,综合评价了目前金属结构的安全状态,为水闸的运行管理和除险加固提供科学依据。

关键词: 前柳林泄洪闸, 金属结构, 安全检测, 安全评价

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