Dam & Safety ›› 2018, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 58-.

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Leakage treatment of remaining joint grouting area at head bay of Three Gorges ship lift

CHEN Lei, DENG Run-xing and WU Qi-min   

  1. Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research
  • Received:2018-01-19 Online:2018-06-08 Published:2018-06-08


陈  磊1,邓润兴1,吴启民2   

  1. 1.长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司,湖北  武汉,430010;2.中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限责任公司,浙江  杭州,310014
  • 作者简介:陈 磊(1967- ),男,江苏南通市人,教授级高级工程师,长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司枢纽设计处副总工程师,主要从事水工结构设计及研究。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The head bay of ship lift of Three Gorges project is a whole structure, and all the casting blocks need to be connected by joint grouting and wide slot backfill. 7 grouting areas in elevation 48 ~ 82.5 m of block IV in the C1 and C2 seam section of the ship lift were affected by delay and pit inflow and the grouting treatment was left to trial navigation operation. Due to long time suspension, some embedded parts failed, defects such as leakage and connection of grouting areas were encountered and the
grouting area was connected with drainage network. To complete grouting construction in the premise of not affecting the foundation drainage system, water soluble polyurethane grouting material was adopted instead of cement slurry. Different slurry mix proportions and grouting speed were set according to leakage location. In the process of grouting, based on the character of water-consolidation of the slurry, water sprinkle was carried out at the leakage point which stopped the leakage of grouting slurry and guaranteed the grouting quality. The examination after completion showed that the slurry concretion was of good quality and the foundation drainage system was clear. The expected treatment effect was obtained and laid a solid foundation for trial navigation operation of the ship lift.

Key words: Three Gorges project, ship lift, joint grouting, remaining grouting area, leakage treatment

摘要: 三峡升船机上闸首为整体结构,所有浇筑块需经接缝灌浆和宽槽回填形成整体。升船机上闸首C1、C2缝第Ⅳ段底部高程48~82.5 m共7个灌区受升船机工程缓建和下游基坑进水的影响,遗留至升船机试通航运行前进行灌浆处理。由于灌区等待时间较长,部分预埋件失效,普遍存在外漏、串区等缺陷,且与基础排水管网相通。为了在不影响基础排水系统的前提下顺利完成灌浆施工,采用水溶性聚氨酯浆材取代水泥浆,根据各区外漏位置设置不同的浆液配比和速度,灌浆时通过墙背排水管沟对外漏点洒水,利用浆材遇水快速固化的特性阻止浆液外漏,保证了接缝灌浆质量。灌后检查表明,缝面结石饱满密实,基础排水系统畅通,达到了预期处理的目的和效果,为升船机工程按期投入试运行创造了条件。

关键词: 三峡枢纽, 升船机, 接缝灌浆, 剩余灌区, 外漏处理