dam ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 17-.

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Discussion on management of risk warning for dams in Dadu River basin

GAO Zhi- liang, SHEN Ding-bin and WEN Hao   

  1. Dadu River Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2015-12-20 Online:2016-02-10 Published:2016-02-10


高志良,沈定斌,文 豪   

  1. 国电大渡河公司库坝管理中心,四川 乐山,614900
  • 作者简介:高志良(1986- ),男,河南周口人,硕士,主要从事水库大坝安全监测与管理工作。

Abstract: With the development of hydropower projects in major river basins, the management of dam risk becomes increasingly important. Based on the key technology used in monitoring and control of dams in Dadu River basin, combined with the construction of Comprehensive Management System of Reservoir & Dam Safety Information of Dadu River, relying on the real time data storage, processing and exchange platform of cloud computing, taking Pubugou hydropower plant as an example, the paper discusses and puts forward nine dam risk warning management modes (trigger boundary conditions + emergency response process) and studies six real-time risk evaluation criteria which lays a foundation for automatic identification of dam risk and intelligent decision management.

Key words: information system, risk warning, management mode, evaluation criteria

摘要: 随着国内各大流域水电开发初具规模,流域梯级电站群大坝安全风险管理问题日益突出。基于大渡河流域电站大坝安全监测与监控关键技术,结合大渡河流域梯级电站群库坝安全信息综合管理系统建设,依托云计算大数据实时存储、处理和交换平台,以瀑布沟水电站为例,探讨并提出了九种大坝风险预警管理模式(触发边界条件+应急响应流程),深入探究了六种大坝风险实时评判准则,为实现流域梯级电站大坝安全风险自动识别、智能决策管理奠定了基础。

关键词: 信息系统, 风险预警, 管理模式, 评判准则