dam ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 23-.

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Informationization of safety monitoring in construction period of hydropower plants in Yalong River basin

ZHANG Chen and FENG Yong- xiang   

  1. Yalong River Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2015-12-30 Online:2016-02-10 Published:2016-02-10


张 晨,冯永祥   

  1. 雅砻江流域水电开发有限公司,四川 成都,610051
  • 作者简介:张 晨(1980- ),男,湖南长沙人,高级工程师,主要从事工程安全监测工作。

Abstract: As the development of hydropower projects, the requirements on safety monitoring are set higher. During construction, the monitoring data management is complicated and there is a large amount of data processing. Taking Jinping I hydropower plant as an example, due to more than 10 000 monitoring points, the manual data collection and processing can't meet the requirements for safety monitoring. As the advancement of software, hardware and internet technology, the informationization in construction period is getting mature. By connection of the monitoring instruments and the automatic collection system, combined with the data processing by information software, all parties in construction may know clearly about the installation of monitoring instruments and the change of monitoring data, which lays a foundation for whole life cycle management and the further safety monitoring after completion.

Key words: construction period, safety monitoring, informationization, data compilation

摘要: 随着水电工程建设能力的提高和规模的迅速发展,安全监测要求也随之提高。施工期监测资料管理工作繁杂,数据处理工作量较大,如锦屏一级水电站有1万余测点,人工数据采集、处理无法及时、快速、全面、准确、可靠满足工程施工期安全监测等要求。随着计算机软件、硬件、网络技术的进步,施工期安全监测信息化管理正在逐步变为现实,通过安全监测仪器接入自动化采集系统,实现现场自动数据采集,将采集上来的数据流接入监测环网中再加以信息软件处理后,可实现参建各方及时了解现场安全监测仪器安装、数据变化情况,为安全监测仪器全生命周期管理以及后续电厂接手安全监测工作奠定良好的基础。

关键词: 施工期, 安全监测, 信息化管理, 资料整理