dam ›› 2015, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 62-.

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Underwater inspection and treatment analysis on concrete face of right bank of upper reservoir at Tai'an pumped-storage power station

GUO Yu-rong, ZHU Jin-jie and WU Wei   

  1. Large Dam Safety Supervision Center of National Energy Administration
  • Received:2015-03-31 Online:2015-08-08 Published:2015-08-08


郭玉嵘,朱锦杰,吴  伟   

  1. 国家能源局大坝安全监察中心,浙江  杭州,310014
  • 作者简介:郭玉嵘(1987- ),男,江苏盐城人,工程师,从事大坝安全监测管理工作。

Abstract: There was a growing trend of seepage at right bank concrete face of Tai'an pumped-storage power station, which was positively correlated with the water head on the concrete face cushion zone. Damage was found at concrete face and the structure joints of water inlet/outlet during the underwater inspection. The seepage dropped after treatment, but returned to the value before over time. The treatment failed to solve the problem. We strongly recommend taking further action.

Key words: Tai'an pumped-storage power station, right bank concrete face, seepage, underwater inspection, treatment effect

摘要: 泰安抽水蓄能电站上库右岸面板渗漏量呈增大趋势,并与进/出水口附近的面板垫层渗压水头正相关。水下检查发现进/出水口区域面板及结构缝破损,处理后渗漏量减小,运行一段时间后,渗漏量恢复处理前量值,处理未根治渗水问题,建议重新进行处理。

关键词: 泰安抽水蓄能电站, 右岸面板, 渗漏量, 水下检查, 处理效果