dam ›› 2013, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 17-21.

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Monitoring system for damming on soft foundation and stability evaluation

HUANG Xian-fa   

  1. Fujian Water Conservancy and Water Power Engineering Bureau Company Limited
  • Received:2013-08-29 Online:2013-10-31 Published:2013-10-31



  1. 福建省水利水电工程局有限公司,福建 泉州,362000
  • 作者简介:黄先发(1965-),男,福建仙游人,一级建造师,从事水利水电工程施工工作。

Abstract: Effective treatment measures are generally needed to increase the bearing capacity of foundation when damming on soft foundation, as the foundation strength is not naturally enough. In a large foundation treatment projects, the treatment area is sometimes very large. So that drainage board consolidation method becomes the best choice because of its cost savings and significant economic benefits. Drainage board consolidation method has an obvious shortage that is time and load needed to consolidate foundation. Therefore, higher requirements for construction information are advanced. A monitoring system is crucial to obtain information of ground deformation and bearing capacity as well as improve construction. In this way, the best balance between construction rate and foundation stability can befound. In the construction of 1# main tailings dam of Chengmenshan copper mine of Jiangxi province, effective monitoring system and foundation stability evaluation method are established which are successful in guarantee of foundation stability, acceleration of construction and reduction of construction period.

Key words: monitoring, stability evaluation, damming on soft foundation, foundation treatment

摘要: 软基筑坝工程中,由于地基强度并非天然具足,一般需要采取有效的软基处理方式以增加地基承载力。在大型地基处理工程中,需要处理的软基面积十分巨大,而淤泥排水板固结法因其可节约施工成本、经济效益显著,所以往往成为了最佳施工方式。排水板固结法有一个明显的问题是,软基固结并非一蹴而就,需要持续加载、排水固结、间隔稳定循序渐进来实现。因此软基筑坝采用排水板固结的方法时,对施工信息化提出了更高的要求,需要建立完备的监测体系,及时把握地基变形情况和承载力情况的动态变化过程,做好施工指导工作,在施工速率和地基稳定性这对矛盾上找到一个最佳平衡点。在江西省城门山铜矿尾矿库1号拦挡主坝的软基施工实践中,经过一年有余的施工和监测实践,建立了一套较好的监测体系和地基稳定性评价方法,成功地完成了监测和施工的任务,在保证坝基稳定的前提下,提高了施工速率,缩短了施工工期。

关键词: 监测, 稳定性评价, 软基筑坝, 地基处理