dam ›› 2013, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 9-.

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Problems of spillway of Qinghe reservoir and its stability analysis

ZHANG Hai-jun, JIANG Feng-hai, JIANG Feng-wei   

  • Received:2012-11-14 Revised:2012-12-17 Online:2013-03-01 Published:2013-03-01



  1. 1.辽宁省凌海市水利局,辽宁 锦州 121000;2.辽宁省清河水库管理局,辽宁 铁岭 112003
  • 作者简介:张海军(1970-),男,本科,工程师,现从事水利基建工作。

Abstract: The spillway of Qinghe reservoir has been in operation for 50 years. As time goes by, various risks encountered. Especially that the elevation of spillway diversion wall and the height of spillway chute wall could not meet the requirements of flood discharge, and the penetrating cracks on the pier exert adverse influence on safety of gate opening and flood discharge. Therefore, analysis on problems of the main structure of Qinghe reservoir spillway and review of its safety and stability are extremely urgent, as well as the further rehabilitation.

Key words: spillway, existing problems, safety, review

摘要: 溢洪道从建成至今已运行50年,随着工程使用年限的增加,各类型的安全隐患逐渐增多,特别是溢洪道导流墙顶高程、泄槽边墙高度部分不满足泄洪要求,控制段堰面、闸墩存在贯通性裂缝,影响闸门安全启闭和泄洪安全,进行溢洪道工程存在问题与安全稳定分析和维修极为迫切。

关键词: 溢洪道, 存在问题, 安全, 复核