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The Swiss model of dam surveillance

WU Su-hua, SHENG Jin-bao and JIANG Jin-ping   

  • Online:2012-10-28 Published:2012-10-28


吴素华1, 2,盛金保1, 2,蒋金平1, 2 编译   

  1. 1. 南京水利科学研究院,江苏南京 210029;2. 水利部大坝安全管理中心,江苏南京 210029

Abstract: The Swiss Concept of Dam Safety emerged in the beginning of the 1980's and, since then, was continuously and pragmatically improved to become the Swiss Model of Dam Safety. Switzerland plays a leading role in the definition of international recommendation in matter of dam safety, in the frame of various technical committees of the international Commission on Large Dams. The 4-level dam surveillance model in the Swiss Concept of Dam Safety is well structured to ensure dam safety. It facilitates surveillance operation with the defined procedures and clear roles and responsibilities.This paper introduces the Swiss Model of Dam Surveillance including the fundamental principles, tasks, procedures, organizations, partition of tasks and required qualifications of the involved operators and engineers.

摘要: 瑞士大坝安全管理初始模式产生于上世纪80年代,通过几十年的实践和不断改进,现已发展成比较完善的大坝安全管理模式。瑞士的大坝安全处于国际领先水平,并在国际大坝委员会多个专业技术委员会中担任领导角色。瑞士大坝安全管理模式中包含的四层次大坝安全监控模式层次分明,职责清晰,容易操作,有效保障了水库大坝安全。本文详细介绍瑞士大坝安全监控模式所遵循的原则、监控及运行维护程序、监控内容、组织管理方式、各层次人员的任务分工和具体的资格要求。