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Application of cement sand and gravel in overflow cofferdam project

CHEN Wu   

  • Online:2011-04-28 Published:2011-04-28



  1. 浙江华东工程咨询有限公司,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: By studying related projects, it is found that cement sand and gravel(CSG) makes use of natural gravel from river bed and excavated material of bank slopes, which is of advantages such as less usage of cementing material, no requirement for temperature control, relatively simpler construction technology. So, CSG adopted in construction of cofferdam is safe, high-speed, economical and environmental friendly. This paper introduced the application of CSG in Gongguoqiao hydroelectric project, mainly focused on the tests of mix proportion, construction technology and control. What's more, issues needed further research were advanced, for reference.

摘要: 根据对国内外相关工程的调研,设计人员认为胶凝砂砾石(简称CSG)材料不仅利用了天然河床砂砾石和岸坡开挖料,料源充足,并且具有胶凝材料用量小、施工无须温控要求、施工工艺相对简单等特点,因此围堰选用CSG材料施工具有快速、安全、经济、环保等优点。针对功果桥电站土石过水围堰工程量大、工期紧的特点,为满足工程建设的进度、质量、投资控制要求,采用CSG材料进行围堰填筑和防护,可以达到节约投资、加快进度、满足围堰施工技术控制要求的目的。结合功果桥电站围堰施工实际,谈谈对CSG材料的配合比试验、工艺试验和施工控制的体会