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Application of superfine sand pumping concrete in Bajiazui reservoir project

TONG Gang   

  • Online:2011-04-28 Published:2011-04-28



  1. 庆阳市巴家嘴水库除险加固工程建设管理局,甘肃庆阳 745000

Abstract: Combined with application of superfine sand pumping concrete in rehabilitation of Bajiazui reservoir, the paper analysed its performance and mix proportion. As well, construction experience was introduced.

摘要: 以特细砂泵送混凝土在甘肃省巴家嘴水库除险加固施工建设中的工程实践为背景,分析了特细砂泵送混凝土的特性及配合比等特点,介绍了特细砂泵送混凝土技术在施工中的应用经验。