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Relation among raw materials, mix proportion, temperature rise and cracking performance of mass concrete

WU Jian-yong   

  • Online:2011-04-28 Published:2011-04-28



  1. 丽水利源工程咨询有限公司,浙江丽水 323000

Abstract: During construction of Yanzhai hydropower dam, supervision has been carried out on the use of cement, fly ash, coarse and fine aggregate, admixture and water. Especially, research has been focused on the influence of concrete raw material on hydration heat temperature rise and the effect of special concrete on crack prevention. For further understanding of the relation between different concretes and hydration heat temperature rise, the low heat cement concrete has been applied in construction.

摘要: 岩寨电站大坝工程对混凝土工程使用的水泥、粉煤灰、粗细骨料、外加剂及水等进行了有效的监控,并重点对混凝土原材料在混凝土水化热温升方面的影响和特种混凝土在坝体温控防裂方面的效果进行了研究。为进一步了解不同的水泥品种和混凝土水化热温升之间的关系,采用了掺低热水泥混凝土施工。