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Report on Taum Sauk pumped storage project——rebuilding Taum Sauk

CUI Hong-yi   

  • Online:2011-02-28 Published:2011-02-28

Taum Sauk抽水蓄能工程系列报道(III)—Taum Sauk上水库的重建

崔弘毅 编译   

  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: The Taum Sauk upper reservoir rebuild project primarily consisted of the reconstruction of the existing inoperable rock fill upper reservoir with the construction of a modern concrete faced symmetrical roller compacted concrete(RCC) dam. As the project is the largest RCC project constructed in the USA and it has asymmetrical cross-section with relatively low strength RCC,numerous design issues arose during the design process. This paper summarized these issues and introduced its construction,for reference.

摘要: Taum Sauk上水库重建工程主要是新建一座现代化的混凝土面对称碾压混凝土(RCC)坝来取代原有的土石坝。由于该坝是美国最大的RCC项目并采用了对称断面和相对低强度的RCC,设计中需要解决许多问题。文章总结了相关设计事项,并简要介绍了施工过程,供参考。