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Research and application of Luhun digital reservoir system

ZHANG Peng-xuan, LI Jian-li and ZHAO Liu-xiang   

  • Online:2011-02-28 Published:2011-02-28



  1. 河南省陆浑水库管理局,河南洛阳 471003

Abstract: Digital reservoir system is the virtual counterpart of prototype reservoir. Combined with daily management of Luhun reservoir, by application of 3S and virtual simulation technique, research on dynamic monitoring of hydraulic structures and function mechanism was carried out. This paper presented the development process of informatization construction at Luhun reservoir and discussed the role of digital reservoir system in operation management.

摘要: 数字水库是原型水库的虚拟对照体,陆浑水库从日常管理工作的方法及内容入手,利用当前尖端的3S前沿技术及虚拟仿真技术,开展了一系列对水利工程设施、功能机制等方面进行动态监测管理的研究,展示了水库智能信息化建设在陆浑水库管理方面的发展进程,论述了“数字水库系统”在工程管理工作中的重要作用。