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Application of RTK in town measurement

JIANG Wei-gang, XIAO Wei-zhong, HUANG Li-zhong and et al.   

  • Online:2010-06-28 Published:2010-06-28



  1. 海盐滨海建设测绘有限责任公司,浙江海盐 314300

Abstract: This paper introduced the principle and characteristic of RTK measurement. Combined with an example, RTK network setup and its application in town measurement, topographic survey, construction lofting, cadastral survey and house property surveying were presented.

摘要: 介绍了RTK 测量的基本原理和特点,并以海盐县为例叙述了RTK 建网过程及其技术在城镇控制测量、地形测量、施工放样、地籍和房产测量中的应用。