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Review of the earthquake relief at Futang hydropower station

ZHOU Zhen-bo   

  • Online:2010-06-28 Published:2010-06-28



  1. 四川福堂水电有限公司,四川都江堰 611830

Abstract: After the 5·12 earthquake, to minimize the loss, emergency measures were immediately carried out by the stuff of Futang hydropower plant. The paper introduced the emergency response, the investigation and reconstruction after earthquake as well as experience and lessons, for reference.

摘要: “5·12”汶川大地震发生后,福堂水电站相关工作人员立即采取应急措施,将损失降到最少。回顾抗震救灾的情况,简要介绍了地震时采取的应急响应,以及震后的震损调查情况,根据震损情况制定灾后重建计划并加以实施。最后总结经验教训,对电站的应急管理机制进行了反思。