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Application of root pile and grouting technology in foundation reinforcement of the GIS building at Zilanba hydropower station

HU De-chun   

  • Online:2010-02-28 Published:2010-02-28

树根桩及灌浆加固技术在紫兰坝水电站GIS 楼基础加固中的应用


  1. 华电四川宝珠寺水力发电厂,四川广元 628003

Abstract: Root pile is a small diameter bored cast-in-place pile which is a good choice for foundation reinforcement.Pressure grouting can enhance the consolidation and anti-deformation capacity of the foundation.This paper, combined with the foundation reinforcement of the GIS building at Zilanba hydropower station, introduced the advantages and construction of the application of root pile and grouting technology.

摘要: 树根桩是一种小型钻孔灌注桩,它利用小型钻机钻孔,然后放入钢筋笼、灌浆管,注入水泥浆(或水泥砂浆),结合碎石骨料成桩。它特别适合场地狭窄、净空低矮的工程和现有工程的基础托换。压力注浆能充填地基砂砾石中的孔隙,并使松散土体胶结硬化,从而增强地基的固结度,提高其强度和抵抗变形的能力。本文结合紫兰坝水电站GIS 楼加固工程,介绍了基础树根桩及灌浆加固技术的优点和施工工艺等。