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Application of carbon fiber cloth in reinforcement of the concrete structure at Ertan hydropower station

WANG An-ming   

  • Online:2010-02-28 Published:2010-02-28



  1. 二滩水力发电厂,四川攀枝花 617000

Abstract: Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer is new in concrete structure reinforcement.By gluing it to the surface, the concrete structure was reinforced.This paper introduced the application of carbon fiber cloth in treatment of cracks on roof beam and plant corbel at Ertan hydropower station, including the its construction and strength test. The result showed that it was of good effect.

Key words: roof beam, plant corbel, crack, carbon fiber cloth, construction, reinforcement

摘要: 碳纤维布加固修补结构技术是一种新型的结构加固技术,它利用树脂类粘结材料将碳纤维布粘贴于混凝土表面,以达到对结构及构件补强加固的目的。本文详细介绍了碳纤维补强加固技术在二滩水电站一屋面大梁和厂房牛腿裂缝处理中的具体施工步骤、方法以及强度检验结果等,结果表明效果良好。

关键词: 屋面梁, 厂房牛腿, 裂缝, 碳纤维布, 施工工艺, 补强加固