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Management in reconstruction of energy dissipation structures of Hongshi dam

LIU Feng-xue and WU Feng-ji   

  • Online:2009-08-28 Published:2009-08-28



  1. 东北电网有限公司,辽宁沈阳 110006

Abstract: In the reconstruction of energy dissipation structures of Hongshi dam, the management mode of smaller owner and greater supervision was applied and good effect was achieved, which was of value for reference.

摘要: 按东北电网公司的要求,红石大坝泄洪消能工改造工程实行“小业主、大监理”管理模式的探索。在各级领导和职能部门的支持下,经过参建各方的积极努力,主体工程施工期由两年压缩为一年并顺利完成。该工程“小业主、大监理”管理模式的成功对于水电厂大型技术改造项目的管理具有一定参考价值。