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Control of explosion in reconstruction of energy dissipation structures of Hongshi dam

WU Feng-ji and LIU Fengxue   

  • Online:2009-08-28 Published:2009-08-28



  1. 东北电网有限公司白山发电厂,吉林桦甸 132400

Abstract: For safety of structures such as dam and power house in explosion excavation, measures including explosion protection, monitoring on vibration safety, adjustment and optimization of design parameters were carried out, and good effect was achieved.

摘要: 改造工程爆破开挖期间,为保证周围大坝、厂房及开关站等已有建筑物安全,采取了包括爆破防护、对重要建筑物进行爆破振动安全监测、通过试验测试手段对红石水电站消力戽改造爆破设计参数进行调整优化等一系列措施,确保了爆破作业的安全。