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Construction quality management of a hydro project in cold area

PAN Xu-yong   

  • Online:2009-06-28 Published:2009-06-28



  1. 新疆额尔齐斯河流域开发工程建设管理局,新疆乌鲁木齐 830000

Abstract: The hydro project locates in the north of Xinjiang. The climate is very severe, with the outstanding characteristics such as cold, hot, windy and dry. According to the characters of this project, the guideline quality is everything was advanced. At the same time, project management department and quality control system were established. By various measures of quality management, the project quality was ensured effectively.

摘要: 某水利枢纽地处新疆北部,气候条件恶劣,“冷、热、风、干”现象明显,针对工程特点,建管局在质量方面提出了“第一是质量、第二是质量、第三还是质量”的方针,并成立了项目管理部,建立了完善的质量管理体系,通过各种质量管理措施,使工程质量得到了有效保证。