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Application of curtain grouting in anti-seepage treatment at high and moderate permeable foundation

ZHOU Rui-xin   

  • Online:2009-06-28 Published:2009-06-28



  1. 山西省临汾市水利勘测设计院,山西临汾 041000

Abstract: This paper introduced the application of suspended curtain grouting in anti-seepage treatment at high and moderate permeable foundation and it was of very good effect.

摘要: 从引沁入汾和川引水枢纽工程设计、施工两方面介绍了对坝基中-强透水岩层进行悬挂式帷幕灌浆防渗处理, 很好地解决了节理裂隙发育的岩基渗漏问题,使坝基岩体的透水率小于5 Lu,达到了预期目的。