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Application of polyurea elastomer in reinforcement project at Tangziguan reservoir

YAO De-fang, XUE Chang-kun and WANG Tian-tian   

  • Online:2009-04-28 Published:2009-04-28



  1. 青岛市崂山区水利局,山东青岛 266061

Abstract: Spray polyurea elastomer technology is solvent-free and of no pollution in anti-seepage treatment. It has been widely used in anti-seepage treatment for water storage pool and water supply pipes, but not for reservoirs yet. To get experience, experimental application was adopted in seepage prevention and reinforcement project at Tangziguan reservoir. 2 years after the treatment, observation and test results showed that it was of advantages such as low cost, fast construction, no pollution and ageing resistance, worthy popularization.

摘要: 喷涂聚脲弹性体技术是一种无溶剂、无污染的绿色防渗处理施工技术,已广泛应用在蓄水池、供水管道等防渗工程中,但在水库防渗中还未有应用的前例。为取得这方面的施工经验,解决供水水库防渗处理时间紧的问题,在塘子观水库砌石坝防渗加固工程中对该技术进行了试验性应用。经过实际使用和竣工后2 年多的观察、检验,表明该技术具有造价低、施工简便快捷、对水质无污染和抗老化等特点,具有推广应用前景。