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Application of rib-stripped rolling straight thread connection technology in face-slab rock fill dam

YU Fu-xing   

  • Online:2009-04-28 Published:2009-04-28



  1. 中国水电建设集团十五工程局有限公司,陕西西安 710065

Abstract: Rib-stripped rolling straight thread connection technology of steel bar is newly developed, which is of the advantages such as high strength, quality and speed, low cost and simple technology. This paper introduced the application of rib-stripped rolling straight thread connection technology in Gongboxia face-slab rock fill dam, including the aspects as working principle, construction technology, quality control and effect analysis, which was of good effect.

摘要: 钢筋剥肋滚轧直螺纹连接技术是一项近年发展起来的粗钢筋等强连接新技术,与传统焊接方式相比, 具有接头强度高、质量稳定可靠、连接速度快、接头综合成本低、且丝头制作简单、工作效率高等优点。该技术首先在高层建筑、大跨度结构中得到应用,我局首次在公伯峡水电站面板混凝土结构中应用并取得成功。本文通过工程实例,阐述了剥肋滚轧直螺纹连接的工作原理、施工工艺、质量控制及效益分析,证明该连接技术起到的良好作用。