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Application of high-pressure jet grouting in Fuan dike piping treatment

ZHANG Qing-wu and ZOU Yin-sheng   

  • Online:2008-10-28 Published:2008-10-28



  1. 1.湖南大学,湖南长沙 410082;2.长沙市水利水电勘测设计院,湖南长沙 410008

Abstract: High-pressure jet grouting was adopted in piping treatment project of Fuan dike. Based on the analysis of hydrogeology and geology, the construction plan and measures of quality control were determined. The results of quality examination showed that old piping can be treated effectively by high pressure jet grouting.

摘要: 以福安垸为例,探讨高喷灌浆技术在管涌治理中的应用。在研究工程水文地质和工程地质的基础上,确定施工方案和质量控制措施,质检结果表明,高喷灌浆应用在老管涌险情治理中效果显著,供类似工程借鉴。