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Study on high-pressure jet grouting wall project at right abutment of Laohe reservoir

ZHOU Rui-xin   

  • Online:2008-10-28 Published:2008-10-28



  1. 山西省临汾市水利勘测设计院,山西临汾 041000

Abstract: As one part of the Laohe reservoir rehabilitation, the high-pressure jet grouting wall was used in the right abutment, mainly for anti-seepage treatment of the sand and gravel in the left and right abutment and foundation. The result showed that this construction can completely meet the design requirements and worthy reference for similar projects.

摘要: 涝河水库右坝肩高喷防渗墙工程是涝河水库除险加固工程的一部分,主要是对左、右坝肩坝基砂砾石层进行防渗处理。实践证明:在该工程地质条件下,所采用的施工工艺完全能够满足设计要求,同类工程可借鉴使用。