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Abrasive resistance and shock- proof measures for gate bottom plate with waste tyre

CUI Zhi   

  • Online:2008-06-28 Published:2008-06-28



  1. 新疆阿克苏流域管理处, 新疆阿克苏 843000

Abstract: Waste tyres, because abrasive resistant and shock- proof, were applied as abrasive resistance and shock- proof measures for gate bottomplate protection in the rivers with lots of pebble. This method was also adopted in Xiehela water diversion project on Xinjiang Akesu river and good effect was achieved which was worthy reference.

摘要: 新疆阿克苏河协合拉引水枢纽在闸底板抗磨防冲中, 总结“以硬制硬”效果不佳的教训, 利用废旧轮胎耐磨抗冲的特点, 用于多卵石河道上闸底板抗磨防冲“以柔克刚”, 取得了良好的效果, 为多卵石河道的防冲抗磨提供了成功的经验。