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Research on filter in foundation drain hole of Gezhouba hydro project

YU Cheng- long   

  • Online:2008-06-28 Published:2008-06-28



  1. 中国长江电力股份有限公司, 湖北宜昌 443000

Abstract: By research on the permeability, deformation and strength of filter, as well as analysis of solid precipitate, the working performance of foundation drain holes was studied, which provided data for the second- time safety inspection of Gezhouba gates and dam.

摘要: 通过过滤体的渗透性、穿透性、变形及强度、固体颗粒沉淀物分析, 了解基础排水孔的工作状态, 为葛洲坝闸坝第二次安全定检提供依据。