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Analysis on treatment of seven aging diseased dams

XING Lin- sheng   

  • Online:2008-06-28 Published:2008-06-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心, 浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: As time goes by, damaging is inevitable. By treatment of seven aging diseased dams, the conclusion was got that to reduce aging disease and prevent accidents, treatment in time is necessary. Before treatment scheme choice, thorough analysis should be took to avoid bad effects. What' s more, aiming at the diversity, complexity and particularity of dam diseases, improvement in the aspects such as treatment technology, material, construction and so on should be made for better disease treatment.

摘要: 随着岁月的流逝, 大坝渐趋老化是客观普遍规律。7 座大坝老化病害工程治理的成效和特点表明: 为了遏制或减小老化病害的危害, 防止意外事故的发生, 需采取针对性措施及时对老化危害进行治理; 应在深入分析的基础上制定治理方案, 以取得全面彻底的治理效果, 并避免可能产生的一些负面效应; 由于大坝老化病害的多样性、复杂性和特殊性, 必须在治理理念、治理技术、材料研制、施工工艺等方面不断开拓创新, 以适应日益繁重的老化病害治理需要。