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Application of distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system(DTS) in temperature monitoring of Xiaowan arch dam

TANG Rong- ping   

  • Online:2007-12-28 Published:2007-12-28



  1. 云南大理南涧华能小湾水电工程建设管理局, 云南大理 675702

Abstract: Distributed temperature measurement optical fiber, about 10 km long, has been applied at the dam of Xiaowan hydropower project,which is so far the longest in China. This paper introduced temperature measurement optical fiber applied in conventional concrete construction. With no related technical standard in China, the paper summarized the experience of temperature measurement optical fiber rating and problems in construction. Temperature distribution graph of Xiaowan dam provides data for dam temperature controlling and can be reference for popularization and application of temperature measurement optical fiber.

摘要: 小湾水电工程拱坝内铺设了10 km 的分布式测温光纤, 为目前国内之最。本文总结了测温光纤在常态混凝土下施工埋设, 特别是在当前国内没有相关技术规范的情况下, 对测温光纤的率定和施工中存在的问题进行了总结。小湾大坝绘制出温度场分布图, 为大坝温控工作提供了较为精准的数据依据, 为今后测温光纤的推广和使用提供宝贵的经验。