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Drilling technology in anchorage project construction

CHEN Yong   

  • Online:2007-12-28 Published:2007-12-28



  1. 葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司, 湖北宜昌 443002

Abstract: Combined with projects, this paper introduced several kinds of anchor drilling technics in side slope anchoring project by anchorage cable and anchor rod. Further more, the special boring methods for high side slope of complicated geology were illustrated in details.

摘要: 系统介绍边坡锚索( 杆) 锚固工程中多种锚孔钻进工艺流程, 并结合工程实际, 对高边坡复杂地质条件下采取的特殊成孔方法进行了具体描述。