• Dam safety informationization construction • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Promotion of dam safety informationization to enhance dam safety management

SHEN Hai- yao and JIANG Bo   

  • Online:2007-10-28 Published:2007-10-28


沈海尧, 蒋波   

  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心, 浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: Great importance was attached to dam safety by government and the owner of hydropower plants, for it relates to society public safety and the safety of people’ s life and property directly. By periodical safety inspection which started in the 1980’s, rehabilitation was promoted and the safety condition of dams was improved. But, the damsafety management at some hydropower plants fall behind the informationization of the whole society, staying on the level of hand work. Then A Proposal of Dam Operation Safety Information Distribution and A Proposal of Dam Operation Safety Informationization Construction were issued to enhance the informationization in management. This paper analysed the dam safety management and informationization construction, and advanced the technological scheme and construction requirements on howto promote damsafety informationization.

摘要: 水电站大坝安全直接关系到社会公共安全与人民生命财产安全, 已得到了政府和水电站业主的高度重视。始于上世纪八十年代的大坝安全定期检查工作, 推进了消缺和补强加固工作的开展, 显著改善了大坝的安全状况。但据了解, 相当数量的水电站大坝安全管理手段仍较落后, 仍停留在传统手工作业阶段, 没有及时跟上企业乃至整个社会的信息化步伐。为此, 国家电监会颁发了《水电站大坝运行安全信息报送办法》和《水电站大坝运行安全信息化建设规划》, 旨在提高全行业的大坝安全管理信息化水平。本文分析了大坝安全管理和信息化建设的现状, 就