• Dam safety informationization construction •     Next Articles

Construction scheme and practice of damsafety informationization

ZHANG Xiu- li, SHEN Hai- yao, ZHANG Hai- ping and et al.   

  • Online:2007-10-28 Published:2007-10-28


张秀丽, 沈海尧, 张海平, 蒋波, 陈振飞   

  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心, 浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: The construction principle of dam safety management imformationization is what as below: basing on the technology of modern communication and information treatment, combining experience of foreign countries in this aspect with the dam safety management in China, establish a dam safety management and technology communication platform for the hydropower plants in electricity system. This systemshould be of authority, integrality and well- timed. The whole systemcontains the main systemat Large Dam Safety Supervision Center, systems at management departments and subsystems at operation departments. The clients may inquire about related standards, regulations, dam safety and monitoring data. When clients are far away from dam sites, they may get monitoring data by internet or mobile phone. In this system, Internet, mobile communication net, automatic monitoring systemas well as the technology ofWeb Services, XML and Smart Client were applied. After 2- year operation, the system is of good performance, worthy popularization nationally.

摘要: 水电站大坝安全管理信息化建设原则是以现代通讯和信息处理技术为基础, 借鉴国外在这方面的成功经验, 结合我国水电站大坝安全管理的实际, 建立具有显著的权威性、完整性和及时性特色的全国电力系统水电站大坝安全管理和技术交流的统一平台。整个系统由设在国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心的大坝安全信息主系统、各主管单位的大坝安全信息分系统和各水电站运行单位的大坝安全信息子系统组成。用户不但可以方便查询相关管理法规、规章制度和大坝安全档案资料, 整编和分析监测资料, 即时评判监测信息和订制信息服务, 还可通过因特网或手