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Anti- carbonization of the concrete at sluice chamber of the Dahongmen sluice

JIAO Huai- jin, ZHANG Xiu- mei and SUN Zhi- heng   

  • Online:2007-08-28 Published:2007-08-28


焦怀金1, 张秀梅2, 孙志恒3   

  1. 1.北京市水利建设管理中心, 北京 100053; 2.华北电网有限公司北京十三陵蓄能电厂, 北京102200; 3.中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100038

Abstract: As time goes by, some ageing phenomenon would occur in concrete structures, mainly concrete carbonization and steelbar corrosion. There are two methods for concrete anti- carbonization treatment, that is brushing rigid coat on the surface of concrete structure in good condition, otherwise, partial repair and total flexible closing protection should be adopted for carbonized concrete surface. The SK coat for carbonization prevention, introduced in this paper, is composed of bottom layer of BE14, middle layer of ES302 and surface layer of PU16. This coat is applicable in the protection for damp concrete surface, and can be used in moist environment and water fluctuation district. It is of the character such as good effect for carbonization prevention, high adhesive strength to concrete, alkali- resistant and impervious, perfect flexibility and et al. It has been successfully applied in damp concrete surface protection, and strongly recommended for use in other similar projects.

摘要: 随着运行年限的增长, 混凝土建筑物都会出现老化现象, 主要表现在混凝土的碳化和内部钢筋锈蚀。处理混凝土碳化的方法分两种情况, 对于表面没有产生破坏的混凝土面, 采用表面涂刷刚性涂层进行保护; 对于已产生碳化破坏的混凝土面, 采用局部修补和全面柔性封闭进行保护。本文采用的SK 防碳化涂料分别由底涂BE14、中间层ES302 和表层PU16 组成, 适用于潮湿面混凝土表面的防护, 可在潮湿环境、水位变化区等部位施工, 具有防碳化效果好、与混凝土粘结强度高、耐碱性、抗渗透性、柔性好等特点。初步证明, 在潮湿环境