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Research on the status quo and sustainable utilization measures of large and medium- sized reservoirs in Guangdong province

SHAO Dong- guo, ZHANG Xiang- long, XIAO Hua and et al.   

  • Online:2007-04-28 Published:2007-04-28



  1. 武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室, 湖北武汉 430072

Abstract: The flood and draught, as well as the status quo of large and medium- sized reservoirs in Guangdong province were analysed here. Aimed at the problems in flood- control safety, active benefit and management operation, for the realization of foundation functions of reservoirs to the society and economy sustainable development, the sustainable utilization measures for large and mediumsized reservoirs in Guangdong province were advanced in six aspects, including optimization of reservoir functions, flood- control system, water quality entironment, management operation mechanism, informatization and talents squad construction.

摘要: 本文分析了广东省水旱灾害基本情况及大中型水库的现状。根据大中型水库在防洪安全、兴利效益、管理运行等方面存在的主要问题, 从水库功能优化、防洪减灾体系、水质生态环境、管理运行体制、信息化建设和人才队伍建设等六个角度提出了大中型水库可持续利用的对策, 以实现大中型水库对社会经济可持续发展的支撑作用。