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Periodical gate daminspection of Yingxiuwan hydropower station

WANG Jin- qiang   

  • Online:2007-04-28 Published:2007-04-28



  1. 映秀湾水力发电总厂, 四川都江堰 611830

Abstract: According to the detailed require for inspection of Statute on Operation and Safety Management for Hydropower Dams and Technical Criterion on SafetyMonitoring for Concrete Dams, combined with the practical operation of the three dams dominated by Yingxiuwan hydropower general plant, the paper expounded the effect of gate dam safety inspection, as well as the important content and request in daily and periodical inspection.

摘要: 根据国家电力监管委员会《水电站大坝运行安全管理规定》和《混凝土大坝安全监测技术规范》对巡视检查工作的具体要求, 结合映秀湾水力发电总厂所辖三座闸坝运行的实际, 阐述闸坝安全巡视工作的作用及应重点做好的定期检查及日常巡检工作的内容和要求。