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Reason analysis on large landslide of earth dam at Siqing reservoir

FAN Zun- li   

  • Online:2007-02-28 Published:2007-02-28



  1. 湖南省郴州市水利局, 湖南郴州 423000

Abstract: The article made a comprehensive analysis on the reason of large landslide at Siqing reservoir. The poor earth- filling quality, improper rehabilitation construction and the rainstormwere the main reasons for the landslide.

摘要: 文章对郴州市四清水库土坝大滑坡原因做了较为全面的分析, 认为滑坡是由于坝体填土质量差、不恰当翻修施工和集中暴雨三方面因素引起的。