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Application of in- situ Radon measurement in drain hole water to Tongjiezi dam

ZHANG Lian- hua and SHEN Ding- bin   

  • Online:2007-02-28 Published:2007-02-28


张莲花1, 沈定斌2   

  1. 1.成都理工大学环工学院, 四川成都 610059; 2.国电大渡河龚嘴水力发电总厂, 四川乐山611011

Abstract: It was famous that the geological conditions of Tongjiezi hydropower station was special and complex. The in- situ measurement of Radon in drain hole water was carried out in the first safety inspection of Tongjiezi hydropower station. The results showed that Radon in drain hole water was not unusual, and this fact indicated that the damfoundation was stable.

摘要: 铜街子水电站曾以地质构造情况特殊、复杂而著称, 在进行的大坝首次定检中, 对排水孔水中氡气进行了现场测量, 测量的结果显示大坝排水孔水中氡无异常, 有效地说明了大坝坝基的稳定性。