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Lessons learned: detecting problems early through investigation of damfailure modes

S. Samuel Lin   

  • Online:2006-12-28 Published:2006-12-28

防患于未然: 水坝潜在溃决模式探究与分析


Abstract: A Chinese expression says, “An experience learned increases one' s knowledge.”Learning frompast dam failures allows us to gain wisdom to ensure dam safety by detecting possible deficiencies /defects for a dam under performance evaluation.As lessons learned, some typical potential failure modes (PFMs) and associated root causes (i.e., risk factors and possible reasons) were introduced for three common types of dams.A flow chart was provided to address the procedures of the recently developed PFMA methodology. A collaborative teamwork was emphasized. The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of any federal agency of the U.S.A.

摘要: 本文简介三种常见水坝的一些具有代表性的潜在溃决模式和导致这些模式发生的根本原因( 即所谓的风险因素和可能的理由) , 俗云: “不经一事, 不长一智”, 冀望从过去的溃坝案例中吸取宝贵的教训, 以正视每一个可能影响水坝安全的问题。本文略述近期发展的蓄水坝潜在溃决模式分析方法的步骤, 借着制度面的革新, 透过团队合作方式, 以确认、判断可能存在的潜在溃决模式及其发生的相对可能性, 采取必要的补救措施。