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Application of newconcrete anti- washout admixture in strengthening Taipingzhuang floodgate

CHEN Guo- xin, LU Anqi, CHEN Jian and HUANG Guo- hong   

  • Online:2006-08-28 Published:2006-08-28


陈国新, 卢安琪, 陈健, 黄国泓   

  1. 南京水利科学研究院瑞迪高新技术公司, 江苏南京 210024

Abstract: After modifying the polyacrylamide flocculating agent and optimizing the ingredients of anti-washout admixture, a new HLC- IV anti- washout admixture was prepared whose performances such as workability, anti- washout resistance, retention of slump and compressive strength has been improved. The new anti- washout admixture was applied to strengthen Taipingzhuang floodgate with a satisfactory result.

摘要: 通过对聚丙烯系絮凝剂进行改性并优化水下不分散剂的配方, 研制出工作性好、抗分散能力强、坍落度保持性能好、强度损失小的HLC- IV 新型聚丙烯系混凝土水下不分散剂, 并在连云港太平庄闸应急加固工程中得到了良好应用。